Jessica – 3/10/12

Nunda, NY

Investigators on site: Jennifer, Tracy and Tim

Claims of Activity: The client contacted us because she has been experiencing paranormal activity for most of her life, with an emphasis on the past 4 years. She is concerned because she has a young daughter, and it seems as if she is starting to pick up on some of the happenings as well. Jessica was one who just tried to ignore stuff and move on, but the concern for her daughter is what eventually led her to contact TWPG. Some of the claims are:

Through our investigation, we noticed that this home is filled with very high EMF (electro-magnetic fields). They were steady and always present, especially at the head level of the young daughter as she was standing. We explained the side effects of EMF hyper sensitivity and what that could cause, some things ranging from headaches, to hearing voices and even hallucinations. Whereas this could potentially be the source of much of the activity, we continued to carry on to see what we could find other than this.

We also addressed the claim of the bruising. There are many reasons for this, and it was revealed that the child does sleep walk from time to time. That could mostly describe the cause in our opinion. We also researched a little into some medical conditions for the parents to consider, as a worst case but possible cause as well. In our opinion, we do not think that the cause of the bruising is related to the activity reported.

We did not catch any activity during the investigation. Our KII meters were unreliable as the EMF level in the home was so great. Our REM pod, which is not affected by the same energy sources as our KII meters are, went off once without explanation. This was curious to us, as it was in the same path as the client described to see a man walking from time to time. Although curious, we cannot say that this was definitive evidence in any way.

Through further conversation with Jessica, we learned more of her experiences and we learned that they are not solely contained to her home. Through our conversation, which will remain confidential, we have discovered that she may in fact yield some sensitive abilities. With that uncovered, we got her in touch with some other professionals to help her understand what she is now aware of. Although this is not our forte, we will, as a group, always strive to provide our clients a means to get the assistance they need.
We will definitely stay in touch with Jessica and provide any additional assistance that we can.